[New York, NY]

Segue Series: Kieran Daly, Steven Zultanski, Mónica de la Torre
December 20, 2014, 4:30 pm
at Zinc Bar

KIERAN DALY, STEVEN ZULTANSKI & MÓNICA DE LA TORRE Kieran Daly currently resides in Florida. Recent publications include MCAR (DTL) (Fig. 1) (X. Vol. No. Month. YEAR 2014) and Suspended (of) the formal capacity to sample and thereby preserve such samples according to the conditions from which they appeared (LUMA Foundation). Visitsites.google.com/site/qwone0/. Steven Zultanski is the author of Bribery (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2014), Agony (BookThug, 2012), Cop Kisser (BookThug, 2010), and Pad (Make Now, 2010). Mónica de la Torre is the author of four poetry collections—two in Spanish—and several chapbooks, recently The Happy End (Song Cave). She translates Latin American poets and co-edited two multilingual anthologies. Work has appeared in Aufgabe, Convolution, frieze, the catalog for Xul Solar and Jorge Luis Borges: The Art of Friendship and Triple Canopy’s Corrected Slogans. She is BOMB Magazine’s senior editor.   More information here.