
Ed Steck's sleep as information/the fountain is a water feature
April 19, 2014, 12:00 am
at COR&P

The Center for Ongoing Research & Projects is pleased to present Ed Steck's sleep as information/the fountain is a water feature. This project takes two forms: a physical exhibition in the COR&P gallery and a three-part publication. The exhibition consists of an installation of a series of screenprints and several artist books that implement the texture of memory loss through the repetition of reproduction – cycling the space of absent memory through different phases of duplication. The three-part publication includes a limited edition book published by COR&P. In its printed form, sleep as information/the fountain is a water feature is a book-length poem confronting the nebulous associations of fragmented memory: a pseudo-taxonomical investigation with plywood-like consistency, an expository web of mall food court fare, anti-memories of a large indoor water fountain, and cheap paperback science fiction novels. The book is accompanied by a newsprint broadsheet and photocopied zine containing an essay on memory, insomnia, and replication. More information here!