
Documenting and Archiving Performance: A Panel Discussion
December 3, 2016, 2:00 pm
at Bam Fisher, Sharp Lower Lobby

For the occasion of Wendy's Subway's Reading Room at BAM, Wendy's Subway and Ugly Duckling Presse will host a panel discussion featuring Corina Copp, Mashinka Firunts, Danny Snelson (Present Tense Pamphlets), Anya Liftig, Esther Neff (Panoply Performance Laboratory (PPL)), and Matvei Yankelevich (Ugly Duckling Presse) led by Emergency INDEX co-editor Katie Gaydos. After the discussion, INDEX editors will be available to answer specific questions about the submission process for INDEX and offer one-on-one editorial feedback. Find more information on this event here. And for more information on this event and others hosted by Wendy's Subway at BAM, click here.